
How Machine Intelligence will Revolutionize SaaS in 2020

A report from Oracle suggests that 80% of the companies are planning to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 2020 for customer service. Today, AI and Machine Learning (ML) has completely revolutionized the SaaS by turning masses of fuzzy data into a money-making factory. The use is lesser on the scientific, but more on the business …

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Market Growth Strategies: How to Increase Your Market Share in 2021

Market share is one of the most critical measures of a company’s success. No matter the size of the market, there’s a finite number of buyers available, so it’s natural to assume that there won’t be enough revenue to share for all companies that are competing.  Therefore, estimating market share and the potential for market …

Market Growth Strategies: How to Increase Your Market Share in 2021 Read More »

Keys to Successful Product Innovation: Everything You Need to Know

95% of product innovations fail. Whether it’s because the project takes too long, is poorly coordinated, or starts out with the wrong idea in the first place, the fact remains that despite the best intentions, most companies struggle with making product innovation provide them with actual results that can benefit the business. However, most leaders …

Keys to Successful Product Innovation: Everything You Need to Know Read More »

4 Essential Business Letter Types Companies Need to Use (and How to Write Them)

Effective communication is an integral part of running a business. Whether it’s sending out a memo within the company, reaching out to prospective clients, or dealing with other companies, having a formal and clearly structured way to send letters can make everyone’s lives easier and significantly improve efficiency. Because of that, understanding the essential business …

4 Essential Business Letter Types Companies Need to Use (and How to Write Them) Read More »